Virtual Panel Discussion:
New Title IX Rules for Sexual Assault & Harassment
Monday, May 11
1:00 - 2:00 PM EDT
On May 6, the U.S. Department of Education released new Title IX regulations governing how schools handle students' accusations of sexual assault and harassment. The regulations are intended to ensure that every accusation of sexual misconduct is taken seriously while also guaranteeing due process and a presumption of innocence for the accused. Supporters of the new rules point out that due process has been lacking on many campuses since the Obama Administration's issuance of Title IX guidance in 2011. Critics of the rules, including Joe Biden and many other Democrats, say they will make it harder for accusers to obtain justice. Our panelists will discuss the merits of the new regulations as well as the inevitable lawsuits challenging them.
Jennifer C. Braceras
Director of the Independent Women's Law Center at the Independent Women's Forum
Nicole Neily
President of Speech First
Stuart Taylor, Jr.
Author and Freelance Writer
Curt Levey (moderator)
President of the Committee for Justice