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A legal and policy advocacy organization that educates the public and policymakers about the rule of law and constitutionally limited government.
Press Releases

Biden Not Serious About Supreme Court Reform
President Biden panders to his progressive base by proposing Supreme Court “reforms.”

Supreme Court Overrules Chevron Doctrine
Supreme Court overrules 40-year old Chevron doctrine in blow to administrative state.

Supreme Court Curtails Administrative State In SEC Decision
The Supreme Court ruled that when the SEC seeks civil penalties for fraud, the Seventh Amendment entitles the defendant to a jury trial .

Unfortunate SCOTUS Decision in High School Admissions Case
The Supreme Court’s decision not to review the Thomas Jefferson admissions case is unfortunate.

Colorado’s Bad Day at Supreme Court in Ballot Case
Bad day at the Supreme Court for those hoping that Colorado’s disqualification of Donald Trump from its ballot would be upheld.

CFJ Files Brief in SCOTUS Challenge to TX & FL Social Media Laws
The Committee for Justice filed a Supreme Court amicus brief in the NetChoice cases challenging Texas and Florida social media laws.

In Blow to Administrative State, SCOTUS Strikes Down Biden’s Debt Cancellation
The big loser today was not just the Biden Administration and its attempt to unconstitutionally circumvent the legislative branch...

Grutter v. Bollinger Attorney: Century of Racial Preferences Finally Comes to an End
In a landmark decision today, the Supreme Court effectively overruled Grutter v. Bollinger, striking down the use of race in admissions...

What Deeply Divided Court? SCOTUS Unanimously Rebukes EPA on Clean Water Act
SCOTUS Unanimously Rebukes EPA on Clean Water Act; CFJ Filed Amicus Brief in the Case

CFJ Mourns the Passing of Its Founder, Conservative Titan Boyden Gray
The Committee For Justice mourns the loss of C. Boyden Gray, its founder and a giant in the conservative legal movement.

SCOTUS Rules Warhol Silkscreen Infringed Photo, as CFJ Brief Urged
Supreme Court rules that Andy Warhol’s silkscreen infringed copyright, as Committee for Justice’s amicus brief urged.

SCOTUS Hears Student Debt Case in which CFJ Filed Amicus Brief
The Committee for Justice filed an amicus brief supporting the challengers in today's student debt cases at the Supreme Court.

Epoch Times: Public Approval of Supreme Court Slowly Rising Since Abortion Ruling, Poll Says
Curt Levey comments on public approval of the Supreme Court since it dropped precipitously in June 2022 when the court overturned.

Dangerous End to SCOTUS Leak Investigation, Further Investigation Needed
The failure of the Supreme Court’s report to shed any light on the identity of the leaker is the worst possible outcome.

CFJ to SCOTUS: Harvard’s 100 Years of Racial Discrimination is Enough
CFJ statement: Harvard’s 100 years of racial discrimination—in the name of furthering an amorphous interest in diversity—is enough.
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