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CFJ Mourns the Passing of Its Founder, Conservative Titan Boyden Gray

Curt Levey

May 21, 2023

Committee for Justice president Curt Levey released the following statement on the passing of C. Boyden Gray:

It is with great sadness that we note the loss of the Committee for Justice’s founder and first president, C. Boyden Gray, a giant in the conservative legal movement.

Before founding the Committee for Justice in 2002 to stand up to Senate Democrats’ obstruction of George W. Bush’s judicial nominees, Boyden headed the fight for a constitutionalist judiciary—one that interprets rather than rewrites our Constitution and statutes—as White House Counsel to President George H.W. Bush. That mission included a leading role in selecting Clarence Thomas for the Supreme Court and exposing the weaknesses of Anita Hill’s accusations.

As a top advisor to Vice President Bush and Counsel to the Presidential Task Force on Regulatory Relief during the Reagan Administration, Boyden was a trailblazer in the fight to enforce the constitutional limits on the federal government, including the limits on the administrative state. He continued that work until his passing both at George Mason University’s C. Boyden Gray Center for the Study of the Administrative State and as the founding partner of Boyden Gray & Associates.

Boyden Gray inspired those of us who believe in conservative legal principles. The Committee for Justice will honor Boyden’s extraordinary legacy by continuing our commitment to advancing both constitutionally limited government and a constitutionalist judiciary. May he rest in peace.


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