The Committee for Justice was very busy in 2018. In the last year, we advocated for a clear framework for accessing data abroad, worked to dispel the myth of Russian social media ads and election interference, applauded Supreme Court rulings on privacy and religious liberty, weighed in on how to regulate new technologies, and – last but not least – helped lead the long and brutal fight to #ConfirmKavanaugh.
2018 was also one of our most prolific years. Below you will find a list of some of our work on these key issues and more.
Kavanaugh Confirmation
The Kavanaugh confirmation's biggest lessons
Fox News
I’m one of many women who want Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court – And it's not why you think
Fox News
Kavanaugh’s administrative law opinions should be given due deference
The Hill
Kavanaugh Confirmation: Four ways Democrats' plan to derail nomination could backfire
Fox News
Kavanaugh’s Administrative Law Opinions: Agencies should approach major issues with restraint
Inside Sources
Replacing Kennedy on the Supreme Court will set off political warfare
Fox News
Accommodate Kavanaugh accuser but don't allow delay for delay's sake
CFJ Blog
Kavanaugh hearings will shine light on his judicial philosophy, for those willing to listen
CFJ Blog
Judge Kavanaugh will follow the law as written
CFJ Blog
In support of the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court
CFJ letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee
Gorsuch's dissent in Carpenter has implications for the future of privacy
The Hill
Supreme Court ruling in cell phone case is a victory for privacy rights
Fox News
Is the Supreme Court set to establish major precedent in email privacy?
The Hill
Your email privacy will get a boost thanks to the omnibus spending bill (and that's a good thing)
Fox News
In support of the Clarifying Lawful Use of Data (CLOUD) Act
Coalition letter to Congressional leaders led by CFJ
Ruling for U.S. in Microsoft case would impair global law enforcement
CFJ Blog
SCOTUS Dismisses US v. Microsoft: Courts lack policy expertise, democratic mandate to update the Stored Communications Act
CFJ Blog
To divine what Congress would have wanted is to legislate from the bench
CFJ Blog
Competition and Consumer Protection in the 21st Century: Consumer Privacy
Comments filed with the FTC
Developing the Administration’s Approach to Consumer Privacy
Comments filed with the NTIA
Are the Chinese and Russians listening to your phone calls?
The Hill
Facebook, Transparency, and Use of Consumer Data
CFJ letter to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce
The Cambridge Analytica incident must be put in perspective
CFJ Blog
Social media privacy and the use and abuse of consumer data
CFJ letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee and Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
Fourth Circuit rules suspicion is needed to search electronic devices seized at the border
CFJ Blog
Free Speech
Why should we fear Russian political ads?
The Wall Street Journal
Who's afraid of democracy?
The Daily Caller
The Internet and the First Amendment make a great team
Comments filed with the FEC
Religious liberty gets boost from Gorsuch in Masterpiece Cakeshop
CFJ Blog
CFJ urges NAFTA negotiators to protect online free speech
CFJ Blog
Amicus Brief: Klein v. Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries
Brief for the Cato Institute and the Committee for Justice
Regulation & Innovation
Google isn't to blame for anti-conservative bias
The Daily Caller
Closing in on massive worldwide copyright infringement
No, Facebook is not a monopoly
CFJ Blog
Conflicting Visions: The Debate on Net Neutrality
Panel at SXSW
In support of repealing the ban on civil supersonic flight
Letter to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
Other Issues
Supreme Court’s travel ban decision sends a clear message to lower federal court judges
Fox News
'Habitual drunkards' and the line between status and action — Part I
CFJ Blog
'Habitual drunkards' and the line between status and action — Part II
CFJ Blog
False outrage as Senators give the blue slip — and history — the slip
CFJ Blog
Race-based discrimination in higher education admissions
Council of Korean Americans Podcast
CFJ in the News
In 2018, CFJ appeared in more than 100 national publications including The NY Times, The WSJ, Washington Post, Politico, The Associated Press, Newsweek, Bloomberg, The Drudge Report, TIME, U.S. News, The Guardian, USA Today, Fox News, Communications Daily, The Weekly Standard, Huffington Post, The Hill, Chronicle of Higher Education, San Francisco Chronicle, LA Times, SCOTUSblog, Daily Caller, RealClearPolitics,, Inside Sources, Law360, Forbes, ABC News, Washington Times, Jurist, The Daily Signal, Reason, PJ Media, The Nation, WAMU Radio, Washington Examiner, OneNewsNow, The Week, American Family Radio, California Political Review, Townhall, The Epoch Times, Milwaukee Courier, Washington Internet Daily, Harvard Political Review, RealClearPolicy, Sydney Morning Herald, Amsterdam News, and more.