Virtual Panel Discussion:
Lessons from Two Years of GDPR: Do Europe’s Privacy Regulations Belong on This Side of the Atlantic?
May 25, 2020 marks two years since the landmark General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force, and European regulators find themselves struggling to enforce a law that has burdened the economy through enormous compliance costs and created more confusion than clarity. Meanwhile in the US, recent concerns over contact tracing and public health data during the COVID-19 pandemic have underscored the tension between a person’s right to privacy and the public’s right to know. What lessons for U.S. policy can be learned through the mistakes of others? Three leading privacy experts take an in-the-trenches look at how our privacy laws work (or don’t), recent failures in the states and abroad, and what is on the horizon as state and federal lawmakers decide whether Europe’s privacy regulations belong on this side of the Atlantic.
Pam Dixon, Founder and Executive Director, World Privacy Forum
Roslyn Layton, Visiting Fellow, American Enterprise Institute
Andrew Kingman, General Counsel at State Privacy & Security Coalition, Senior Managing Attorney, DLA Piper
Ashley Baker, Director of Public Policy, The Committee for Justice (moderator)