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Ashley Baker

Upcoming Events This Week

Wednesday, July 12th

Senate Committee on the Judiciary

Nominations (Full Committee)

9:30 AM, Dirksen Senate Office Building 226

Witnesses: Christopher A. Wray to be Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

The Federalist Society Telecommunications & Electronic Media Practice Group Teleforum

12:00-1:00 PM, Teleforum

A number of regulatory advocates assert that Title II of the Communications Act, enforced by the Federal Communications Commission, is the only way to protect net neutrality. Research by Roslyn Layton, PhD, who has studied net neutrality in 50 countries, suggests otherwise. Moreover, a layered model using existing antitrust and consumer protection laws enforced by the Federal Trade Commission, Department of Justice, and State Attorneys General may well provide more effective and less costly regulation. Alex Okuliar, formerly an advisor to FTC Commissioner (now Acting Chairman) Ohlhausen, will interview Roslyn Layton about her research on these issues and the layered model of enforcement.

Featuring Roslyn Layton, Visiting Fellow at American Enterprise Institute, Alex Okuliar, Partner at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP, and Alexander Okuliar, Partner at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP. Teleforum calls are open to all dues paying members of the Federalist Society. To become a member, sign up here. As a member, you should receive email announcements of upcoming Teleforum calls which contain the conference call phone number. If you are not receiving those email announcements, please contact us at 202-822-8138.

Republican National Lawyers Association

4:45- 6:30 PM, 1250 I Street NW Suite #350

Join the RNLA's Women's Network for a free, one-hour ethics presentation by Veritex titled, "Social Media – Discovery, Ethics, Evidence & Sanctions." Topics will include ABA's ethical guidelines, a definition of “social based media,” when and if to consider social media evidence, successful Fortune 500 policies, jurors, HIPAA, and more! Food and drinks will also be provided.

Registration for this event is limited to the first 22 registrants. To RSVP, please click here. For questions, please email RNLA Deputy Director Brittany Walker at

Thursday, July 13th

Senate Committee on the Judiciary

10 AM, Dirksen Senate Office Building 226

Agenda: Nominations

John Kenneth Bush, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Sixth Circuit

Kevin Christopher Newsom, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Eleventh Circuit

Damien Michael Schiff, to be a Judge of the United States Court of Federal Claims

The Federalist Society Regulatory Transparency Project

12:30-1:30 PM, Teleforum

Flytenow was a ridesharing platform for small planes. The company was founded by two pilots, Alan Guichard and Matt Voska. This kind of cost-sharing arrangement was explicitly authorized by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The Flytenow software facilitated the cost-sharing in accordance with FAA rules and also provided a breadth of information about the flight and the pilot including his/her license type, experience, past flight ratings, and social media.

The service was a great win-win for both parties. That is until the FAA caught wind of all the innovation and deemed the online nature of Flytenow to be prohibited. The FAA reasoned that posting flight plans online, as opposed to physical bulletin boards, was impermissible because it could attract a broader segment of the public. Flytenow, with the help of The Goldwater Institute, challenged the FAA’s ruling all the way to the Supreme Court; but unfortunately, the Court declined to take up the case in January of this year, effectively upholding the lower courts' siding with the FAA. Flytenow is now pursuing a legislative route to make ridesharing in aviation a reality.

Featuring Jonathan Riches, Director of National Litigation at the Goldwater Institute and Alan Guichard, CFO and Co-Founder of Flytenow, Inc. Teleforum calls are open to all dues paying members of the Federalist Society. To become a member, sign up here. As a member, you should receive email announcements of upcoming Teleforum calls which contain the conference call phone number. If you are not receiving those email announcements, please contact us at 202-822-8138.

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