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A legal and policy advocacy organization that educates the public and policymakers about the rule of law and constitutionally limited government.
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Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
President Trump’s Lasting Legacy
Trump-appointed justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanagh are also noted skeptics of judicial deference to the fourth branch. Reining in regu

Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
Event Video: Approaches to Regulating Technology—From Privacy to A.I.
AAF convenes two panels, the first on privacy and the second on the important threads between competition policy and AI, to discuss these im

Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
Friday Round-Up
In a Federalist Society video, Ashley Baker discusses 'the potential implications of Justice [Neil] Gorsuch’s reasoning in his … dissent

Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
Federalist Society POLICYbrief Episode: Justice Gorsuch, Carpenter, & the Fourth Amendment
What are the potential implications of Justice Gorsuch’s reasoning in his Carpenter dissent? What does his dissent mean for privacy advocate

Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
2018 Year in Review
The Committee for Justice was very busy in 2018. In the last year, we advocated for a clear framework for accessing data abroad, worked to d

Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
Gorsuch's dissent in Carpenter has implications for the future of privacy
In a decision lauded by privacy advocates, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 on Friday that the historical cell phone location data used to convic

Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
Religious liberty gets boost from Gorsuch in Masterpiece Cakeshop
While many focused on Justice Kennedy’s opinion, some found deep hope for the future of religious liberty in the words of Justice Neil Gorsu

Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
Justice Gorsuch forms conservative triumvirate on Supreme Court
From early judgments in last year’s travel ban case to a gay rights lawsuit out of Arkansas, Justice Gorsuch has found himself part of a tri

Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
Gorsuch Emerges As Scalia’s Worthy Heir
Conservatives can rightfully celebrate the emergence of Neil Gorsuch as a justice in the mold of his beloved predecessor, Antonin Scalia. Ho
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