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A legal and policy advocacy organization that educates the public and policymakers about the rule of law and constitutionally limited government.
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Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
Supreme Court Decision Underscores Growing Concern Over Regulatory Overreach
Given the harassment and everyday burdens that federal bureaucrats subject small businesses and families to, it seems obvious that...
Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
CFPB Anti-Arbitration Rule Gives Millions to Class Action Lawyers, Leaves Consumers in the Dust
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) hit a new low this month when they proposed a new rule that directly harms those that the...
Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
Merrick Garland Supreme Court Nomination
Wade Henderson and Curt Levey talked about President Obama’s nomination of D.C. Court of Appeals Chief Judge Merrick Garland to succeed...
Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
Notes on the Supreme Court Vacancy
The Committee for Justice wishes you a happy and healthy 2016 and thanks you for your interest in our work and your generous support...
Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
The Demise of Safe Harbor and Rise of Privacy Shield
On October 6, 2015, the European Court of Justice (“ECJ”) ruled the US-EU Safe Harbor agreement invalid. The international agreement permitt
Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
Presidential politics: How to ensure conservative judicial nominees on the Supreme Court
It was encouraging to see George Stephanopoulos raise the issue of judicial appointments Sunday on ABC's This Week. "What kind of judges...
Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
SLAPPed in the climate change debate
In an op-ed at FoxNews, Curt Levey writes that while the nation's campuses are hosts to the most prominent battles in the war on free sp
Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
Climate change vs. free speech: Punishing fossil fuel companies for expressing doubt
Free speech has recently been losing its battle with political correctness. Events on campuses including Yale and the University of Missouri
Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
Immigration Push Back: Don't Confirm His Judges
Congress’s approval of unconditional funding for the Department of Homeland Security was an embarrassing setback in Republicans’ struggle...
Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
Court icons Scalia and Ginsburg: Together at the peak
The oldest and, some would argue, wisest justices on the Supreme Court are at the top of their game – and are fast approaching their day...
Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
Town of Greece dissenters strike blow for ecumenism?
The Supreme Court’s recent decision in Town of Greece v. Galloway addressed the constitutionality, under the Establishment Clause of the Fir
Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
Raise the Minimum Wage to Fight Abortion?
Abortion and minimum wage laws? What do they have to do with each other? Answer: nothing . . . unless abortion opponents catch on to...
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