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Walter Olson

Yale Alito Project, continued

Following up on Mark's post: the new report from YAP (whose acronym I gather is unrelated to any Chihuahua-like tendency to bark without surcease at anyone not a member of its own ideological household) is also the subject of posts at Point of Law by my Manhattan Institute colleague Jim Copland and by Michael Krauss, both of them Elm City law alums. Jim concentrates on Alito's much-discussed FMLA opinion in Chittister (for more, follow links here and here). Michael mentions that a group of Yale law alums has banded together to buy ads in support of the nominee. In all fairness to YLS, it should be pointed out that despite the involvement of some prominent liberal faculty, notably Bruce Ackerman and Owen Fiss, the Project does not in any way speak for the institution itself, any more than the Federalist Society-sponsored Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy speaks for Harvard Law as an institution. The report itself can be found on a campus-activism website of the Center for American Progress.

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