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Ashley Baker

I’m one of many women who want Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court – And it's not why you think

Those trying to keep Judge Brett Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court would have you believe that the women who support his confirmation by the Senate – despite unsubstantiated allegations of sexual misconduct over three decades old – are conservative activists bent on overturning Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide. They're wrong about me.

I support Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation for unrelated reasons, such as his jurisprudence on deference to administrative agencies. I would love to focus on that and the other important constitutional issues that underpin my belief that he would make a great Supreme Court justice.

Unfortunately, at the moment, Kavanaugh’s supporters – especially the women among them – are not afforded the luxury of discussing substantive issues. So here I am, explaining why, as a woman, the weak allegations against Kavanaugh have not even slightly weakened my support.

Let me be clear: women such as Christine Blasey Ford deserve the right to be heard. They also deserve the right to be heard as soon as possible and in the proper forum. That would have been possible in this case had Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., not circumvented the normal Senate Judiciary Committee process entirely and sat on Ford's allegation for nearly two months.

Instead, Feinstein revealed Ford's letter at the 11th hour, after Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing – the proper forum for airing accusations about him – and after a subsequent round of answers Kavanaugh provided to senators' written questions had ended. Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, could not even get an unredacted copy of the letter until earlier this week...

Read more of Committee for Justice director of public policy Ashley Baker's op-ed in Fox News.

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