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  • Ashley Baker

Coalition Letter in Support of Trump's Deregulatory Executive Order

The Committee for Justice joined a coalition letter, led by Americans for Tax Reform (ATR), in support of President Trump's deregulatory executive order.

The full letter can be found below, and a downloadable copy here.

We write in support of your Regulatory Relief to Support Economic Recovery Executive Order (EO). As the focus turns toward restarting the economy and society, this EO will give businesses the flexibility they need to reopen their doors, create jobs, and safely get Americans back to work.

Instead of using the pandemic as an excuse to consolidate more power, you have made deregulation the centerpiece of your Administration’s Coronavirus response. This regulatory relief has streamlined our national response to the Coronavirus, leading to over 500 waived rules and regulations nationwide.

Most importantly, the Order directs agencies to review the impact of any regulations that they have waived or suspended during the pandemic and determine if they are necessary to reinstate. Permanently repealing these regulations – most of which were never necessary in the first place – will help grow our economy long after the pandemic has run its course.

Authorizing agencies to use the same emergency authority they have used to fight the Coronavirus to also waive regulations that stand in the way of our post-pandemic economic recovery will promote job creation, economic growth, and reduce the cost and unnecessary delays caused by overregulation.

The Order not only directs agencies to temporarily waive or suspend any rules or regulations that inhibit economic growth as we recover from the Coronavirus, but also establishes a “Regulatory Bill of Rights,” to provide businesses with more certainty and direction.

The “Regulatory Bill of Rights” directs agencies not to over-enforce when American businesses are clearly working in good faith to follow the law and keep their customers and employees safe. It is a set of ten regulatory principles that direct agencies to be fair and transparent in enforcing against any potential violations of law should there be an administrative proceeding.

Before the Coronavirus crisis, your pro-growth agenda of tax cuts and regulatory relief kickstarted one of the strongest economies in American history. We can return America to prosperity the same way.

As our country reopens, your new regulatory relief EO will jumpstart the economy and give businesses the flexibility and confidence they need to safely get Americans back to work.

We encourage you to continue removing regulations that stand in the way of private sector and government assistance during the crisis and to make as many of these regulatory waivers, suspensions, and adjustments permanent where possible.


Grover G. Norquist President Americans for Tax Reform

Phil Kerpen President American Commitment

Steve Pociask President & CEO The American Consumer Institute

Lisa B. Nelson CEO American Legislative Exchange Council

Brent Wm. Gardner Chief Government Affairs Officer Americans for Prosperity

Robert Alt President & CEO The Buckeye Institute

Garrett Ballengee​​​​​​​ Executive Director Cardinal Institute for West Virginia Policy

Andrew F. Quinlan​​​​​​​ President Center for Freedom & Prosperity

Thomas Schatz​​​​​​​ President Citizens Against Government Waste

Chuck Muth​​​​​​​ President Citizen Outreach

Curt Levey​​​​​​​ President The Committee for Justice

Clyde Wayne Crews Jr. Vice President of Policy & Senior Fellow Competitive Enterprise Institute

Katie McAuliffe​​​​​​​ Executive Director Digital Liberty

Patrick Purtill​​​​​​​ Director of Legislative Affairs Faith and Freedom Coalition

Rick Watson Florida Center/Right Coalition

Adam Brandon President FreedomWorks

Annette Meeks CEO Freedom Foundation of Minnesota

George Landrith​​​​​​​ President Frontiers of Freedom

Andresen Blom​​​​​​​ President Hawaiian Values

Jessica Anderson Executive Director Heritage Action for America

Wayne Hoffman President Idaho Freedom Foundation

Seton Motley President Less Government

Ann Schockett​​​​​​​ President National Federation of Republican Women

Pete Sepp​​​​​​​ President National Taxpayers Union

William L. O’Brien Co-Chair New Hampshire Center Right Coalition

Jeff Kropf​​​​​​​ Executive Director Oregon Capitol Watch Foundation

Daniel J. Erspamer​​​​​​​ CEO Pelican Institute

Jim Vokal​​​​​​​ CEO Platte Institute

Eli Leher​​​​​​​ President R Street Institute

Paul Gessing​​​​​​​ President Rio Grande Foundation

Karen Kerrigan President & CEO Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council

Tim Andrews Executive Director Taxpayers Protection Alliance

Sara Croom​​​​​​​ Executive Director Trade Alliance to Promote Prosperity

James L. Martin Founder/Chairman 60 Plus Association

Saulius “Saul” Anuzis​​​​​​​ President 60 Plus Association

Maureen Blum Executive Director USA Workforce Coalition

Carol Platt Liebau​​​​​​​ Yankee Institute Connecticut


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