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Ashley Baker

Clarence Thomas' Wife Focus of Latest Bid to Oust the Justice

Newsmax: "Lawyer Curt Levey, president of the Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit Committee for Justice, told Newsmax that it all comes down to politics: If a liberal, activist spouse of a Supreme Court justice engaged in similar communications with a Democrat administration official, no one would think twice about it – for a couple of reasons.

'One is that … the last thing anyone would say is that she should be less politically active,' Levey said.

'And there is also the fact that the venom on the left towards conservative officials is so much greater than whatever venom there may be on the right towards progressive public officials, whether we're talking about hatred of Donald Trump, or just about every Republican president in my lifetime.'

He added that the left's hatred of 'Justice Thomas is just not matched on the right. I would say almost the opposite.'

For example, Levey said that the late Justice 'Ruth Bader Ginsberg seemed in many ways like the nation's grandmother.'

He added: 'And [Republicans] certainly respected [Justice Stephen] Breyer. And even [Justice Sonia] Sotomayor, who people on the right are no fan of, there's no feeling that we need to drive her out of office.'

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Levey said a review of Thomas' voting record only proves his consistency on issues and he compared Thomas favorably to Ginsberg in that sense.

To illustrate the point, Levey brought up the famous 1996 Virginia Military Institute case. In a 7-1 decision, the Supreme Court struck down VMI's male-only admission policy in United States v. Virginia.

Ginsberg, who co-founded the Women's Rights Project at the ACLU, and eventually became its general counsel, not only did not recuse herself from the case, but, in fact, authored the majority opinion for the court.

'Well, it was not coincidental,' Levey said. 'She was interested in women's rights.'

And throughout her career on the bench, Ginsberg wrote some 200 opinions on women's rights and gender equality.

'So, you could make a better case for Ginsberg than you could for Thomas,' Levey said. 'The cases she heard on the Supreme Court were almost exactly like the cases she worked on earlier for the ACLU and set the stage for those later cases.

'And yet, rather than her being criticized for that, as you read biographies or descriptions of her as a feminist trailblazer, the fact that she did that both with the ACLU and the Supreme Court is viewed as proof that she was a saint when it comes to women's issues.'"

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