Ashley BakerMay 18, 2022The Barrett Battle That Wasn’tWhen Brett Kavanaugh was nominated in 2018 to fill the Supreme Court seat vacated by Reagan appointee Anthony Kennedy, the bloodiest high-co
Ashley BakerMay 18, 2022Barrett's Confirmation: First Female Conservative Justice Brings First Conservative MajorityWe applaud tonight's confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, which is historic for at least two reasons. One, Barrett is
Ashley BakerMay 18, 2022Barrett's Administrative Law Opinions Should Be Given Due DeferenceThe prospect of a new Supreme Court justice brings a renewed focus on many of the Court's controversial doctrines. While much of the spe
Ashley BakerMay 18, 2022Barrett Approved and Biden's Latest Court Packing SchemeWe applaud the Senate Judiciary Committee's approval today of Judge Amy Coney Barrett's Supreme Court nomination. Democrats' chi
Ashley BakerMay 18, 2022Barrett Testimony Demonstrates Her Intellect and PrinciplesAfter two days of answering questions before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Judge Barrett has clearly demonstrated several things. One is t
Ashley BakerMay 18, 2022On Labor and Employment, Barrett Follows the Facts and the LawJudge Amy Coney Barrett has written opinions on a wide variety of labor issues in her short time on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. Ju
Ashley BakerMay 18, 2022Amy Coney Barrett's Judicial Philosophy: Here's what Democrats are missingThe Democrats have been doing a lot of projecting recently. Consider their worry that President Trump will refuse to accept the legitimacy o
Ashley BakerMay 18, 2022Letter for the Record on the Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme CourtCommittee approval and Senate confirmation of Judge Barrett’s nomination before the election is imperative. History shows abundant evidence
Ashley BakerMay 18, 2022The Recent Supreme Court Vacancy and Judicial Confirmation Mayhem [Event Video]Following the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Constitution charges President Donald Trump with the responsibility of nominating he