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The Washington Times

Justice Gorsuch forms conservative triumvirate on Supreme Court

Photo by: Sait Serkan Gurbuz. Supreme Court Justice Neil M. Gorsuch has consistently, even aggressively, lined up with the court's most conservative justices. (Associated Press/File)

"...For the conservatives who backed President Trump because of the open Scalia seat, there is plenty in Justice Gorsuch’s first year to satisfy them — and to suggest more good things are on the way.

Meanwhile, liberals who feared the Gorsuch nomination, say he has borne out their concerns.

From early judgments in last year’s travel ban case to a gay rights lawsuit out of Arkansas, Justice Gorsuch has found himself part of a triumvirate that includes Justices Thomas and Samuel A. Alito Jr., who was President George W. Bush’s second pick to reach the high court.

'The fact that he is on the Alito/Thomas end of that spectrum, I think you have to say it’s a pleasant surprise,' said Curt Levey, president of the conservative think tank Committee for Justice..."

Read more in The Washington Times.

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