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Ashley Baker

Introducing Myself

In my post yesterday on Alito and antitrust I neglected to introduce myself, so let me fix that now. I'm a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute who writes books and articles about the U.S. legal system, focusing especially on the high cost of our litigation system and how easy we make it to sue in this country. Among my other online activities, I edit the well-known websites Overlawyered and Point of Law, the latter of which has a subpage on Supreme Court nominations. Sean Rushton and Curt Levey have been particularly generous in inviting me to join the discussion here since I haven't always seen eye to eye with the Committee on the best way of framing the debate over this fall's judicial nominations. (Nor do I always see eye to eye with the Bush Administration, either, though on the litigation-reform issues close to my heart it's shown welcome leadership.) Where we all do agree, I think, is in regarding John Roberts and Samuel Alito Jr. as outstandingly qualified nominees who are likely to bring distinction, along with a much-needed spirit of judicial restraint and humility, to the high court.

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